Marcusian Repressive Tolerance

Herbert Marcuse, in his essay titled ‘Repressive Tolerance’, advocated the need for revolutionary minorities to subdue and oppress the opinions of those that do not subscribe to the behaviours and customs, of these small groups. Minorities are bound together by the left into identifiable groups and are encouraged to get along by using ‘Positive Tolerance’,Continue reading “Marcusian Repressive Tolerance”

White Race Solidarity NOT Communistic Class Division

Our race is divided along countless lines, whether it be religious, regional, political, or even historically as a result of conflict,  but the biggest source of division among the white race has been the Communistic narrative of ‘class struggle.’

Who’s Killing Us?

This is the text of the following video. Marxists of the 21st Century: This great evil. Where does it come from? How’d it steal into the world? What seed, what root did it grow from? Who’s doin’ this? Who’s killin’ us?” Europe 1920’s: • The standard of living of workers in capitalism is improving. •Continue reading “Who’s Killing Us?”

Minority Rule: The Rise of Political Correctness – Documentary

A documentary on the rise of political correctness in America and Europe and its Jewish origins and influences: Boasian Anthropology, Sigmund Freud and Psychoanalysis. The Frankfurt School, Tearing down the Nuclear Family, Political Correctness takes over Harvard University through the G.I. Bill, and other topics. Featuring Dr Kevin MacDonald, author of, “The Culture of Critique.”Continue reading “Minority Rule: The Rise of Political Correctness – Documentary”

Psychoanalysis as a form of Jewish Subversion

(Erich) Fromm learnt about psychoanalysis in the middle of the 1920s through another Orthodox Jewish institution. In 1924 the Jewish psychoanalyst Frieda Reichmann (who Fromm later went on to marry) had opened a private psychoanalytic sanatorium in Heidelberg. As Ernst Simon (a student in Heidelberg like Fromm and Lowenthal, a teacher at the free JewishContinue reading “Psychoanalysis as a form of Jewish Subversion”

Will Jews regret their Open Immigration policies? Dr William Pierce

This video is a must watch and share, it details a document written by Jewish Supremacist Steven Steinlight in which he speaks about Jewish ‘special privileges,’ control of Media and Hollywood etc. He also speaks about the problems Jews will face in America once whites are no longer the majority due to mass non-European immigrationContinue reading “Will Jews regret their Open Immigration policies? Dr William Pierce”

Principles of ‘Progressive’ Politics

So anti-white Cultural Marxism doesn’t exist? It is all in our imagination isn’t it. If leftists say it doesn’t exist then it doesn’t exist. In the real world though, that leftists dont live in, anti-white Cultural Marxism is as real as the sun rising each morning. Read the following from a blog called ‘Principles ofContinue reading “Principles of ‘Progressive’ Politics”

David the Nationalist Vs John the Liberal

Once upon a time David the Nationalist was writing an essay in his bedroom when a cat jumped up on his desk and started walking all over the keyboard. He was startled and annoyed, and took the cat outside. The next night he was again working on his essay, and this time two cats jumpedContinue reading “David the Nationalist Vs John the Liberal”