5 Ugly Cases of Rainbow Rage

When are people going to realise that those who demand tolerance are the most intolerant of all?

Tolerance is a deceptive term used by Cultural Marxists who want you to believe that they are tolerant people and that it is you who is intolerant for disagreeing with them, therefore they don’t really believe in tolerance at all. If you disagree with them, then you are intolerant so they are intolerant of you disagreeing with them.

Cultural Marxists use what is called Repressive Tolerance to attack opposition and this is what you can see in this video.

Repressive Tolerance was the brainchild of Herbert Marcuse who said:

“Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left. As to the scope of this tolerance and intolerance: … it would extend to the stage of action as well as of discussion and propaganda, of deed as well as of word.”

So when you see homosexual extremists, ‘ anti-fascists,’ pro-abortionists etc screaming obscenities and using violence to silence political opposition, then they are using the Cultural Marxist strategy of Repressive Tolerance.

They don’t believe in tolerance whatsoever, they believe in your absolute conformity of thought and speech that fits in with their sick worldview. And if you don’t conform you are labeled and attacked. These people are the new revolutionaries spoken of by the Judeo-Frankfurt School subversives.

It was Marcuse who said that “a coalition of blacks, students, feminist women and homosexuals would form the basis of the new cultural revolution.” This was the new Judeo-Communist strategy to be employed to defeat the West because the West had totally rejected Communism and fought against it. The defeat of the West had to come via attacking the culture, morals, values and traditions of the West.

Published by smashculturalmarxism

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